Research Overview

ISRY’s research improves outcomes for youth.

ISRY Conducts Translational Research.

ISRY emphasizes actionable research that is impactful and able to translate the latest findings on social-emotional development into work that reaches educators and families.

ISRY’s research encompasses both formal and informal settings.

The key to widespread promotion, prevention, and intervention is to reach youth where they spend most of their time: in schools and afterschool programs, and with their families. Schools and afterschool programs can work with ISRY to better understand how to implement this research in practical ways to benefit all children and youth.

ISRY is a leader in the movement to connect STEM and social-emotional development (SED).

ISRY’s work in education came out of a longstanding interest in social-emotional learning and development as well as the integration of STEM and SED.

ISRY’s past projects…